
The Hotel Covo dei Saraceni s.r.l. is committed to providing its clients and the visitors of its website an excellent service, respectful of their privacy.

The Hotel Covo dei Saraceni s.r.l. is aware of the fact that the users of its website may ask themselves questions concerning the way of collecting and using the data they provide. This report has been drafted in order to provide principles in the field of privacy that regulate the use of the data given by clients to the Hotel Ristorante Covo dei Saraceni s.r.l. , including the data collected through the website.

This page describes the management system of the site with reference to the treatment of personal data of its users. It is a report in compliance with the EU regulation 2016/679 (arts. 13 and 14) towards those who interact with the web services that are accessible online starting from the address: www.covodei saraceni.com.

The Hotel Covo dei Saraceni s.r.l. is located in via Conversano 1-1/A, 70044 Polignano a Mare (BA) and is the controller of the aforesaid data which is used in compliance with the aims established by this Information Privacy, including the direct marketing aims.

The treatment connected to the web service of this site is developed by authorized technical staff in compliance with art. 28 of the EU Regulation 2016/679 or by personnel in charge of the treatment of maintenance and update operations. As for the treatment linked to marketing activities and the transmission of promotional communication, the company Realize belonging to Brigido T. and L’Abbate R. snc (Realize Studio), could be able to know data referring to telephone numbers or email addresses, as an External Supervisor of Data Treatment in compliance with art. 28 of the EU Regulation 2016/679.

No data arising from the web service will be spread. The personal data supplied by users who ask for information material or who subscribe to newsletters is used only in order to carry out the service required. This data can be used by the company to carry ouy its ordinary activity according to the following aims:

  1. a) management of the relationship consumer/client under the agreement and pre-agreement of the hotel;
  2. b) the execution of their economical activity;
  3. c) other aims linked to the activity of the company as, for example, improving the products and services offerred, even if not strictly connected to the services required by the client; market research upon the satisfaction of the clients presented directly or through market agencies appointed for this purpose, through telephone surveys, questionnaires or personal appointment;
  4. d) fulfil legal obligations.

In case the company needs to collect data referring to personal identification of the user in order to supply a certain service, Hotel Ristorante Covo dei Saraceni s.r.l. requires the user to provide the data voluntarily. For example, if the user wishes to make a reservation, Hotel Ristorante Covo dei Saraceni s.r.l. requires essential information such as name, address, telephone number, email address, credit card number and preferences regarding rooms, all this in order to start and process the reservation and, if necessary, can use the information to get in touch with the user in order to cooperate with the processing of the reservation.

In case of a reservation through the website or booking platform, for example, Booking.com, Expedia, Ermes, Trivago, etc., users are invited to refer to their information privacy.

Data transmission, in any case, can be directed by us only towards subjects who live in countries belonging to the EU.

In some cases, some data could be spread from and to the United States of America, according to the international agreement called Privacy Shield”, in particular, in case of the use of booking platforms supplied by third parties. Please carefully check the Privacy Information supplied by external booking services.

Direct marketing

We would also like to supply information regarding our new products, promotions, special offers and other information we believe you could be interested in. In case you have clearly authorized us to do so, we could send you this information by mail, email and telephone, unless you have specified other during registration. In case you purchase an item, we could keep your address and email address for possible future communication.

If, in any moment, you wish us not to use your data for the aim of direct marketing, you can carry out your right to opposition in compliance with art. 21 of EU Regulation 2016/679, communicating our customer service by email to the following address privacy@covodeisaraceni.com . In this case, we will no longer send you commercial communication and your data will no longer be treated for this purpose. Your right to opposition can also be carried out for personal reasons referring to all the data in our possession, also when they could be treated for purposes that differ from direct marketing.

Navigation data

The information technology systems and software procedures for the proper functioning of this website acquire, during their normal practise, some personal data whose transmission is protected through encrypted Internet communication protocols.

These protocols, among which the SSL certificate available on the site www.covodeisaraceni.com, are released by a Certifying Authority (CA) after appropriate validity and reliability tests of the company, and make sure that the sensitive information given by users on the web (like password, personal data and credit card numbers) will be confidential and will for no reason be intercepted by third parties; this occurs thanks to an encrypted communication between client server and web server.

Specifically, when the first communication between client server and web server occurs, the latter sends its digital certificate to the browser that checks its validity and, if everything is all right, gives way to a safe connection between the client and the web server. It is possible to ascertain the presence of the SSL certificate through the address on the navigation bar, where it is possible to notice a lock (often green) and, instead of finding http:// you will find https:// in order to specify that you are carrying out a safe connection that uses SSL or TSL certificates. If you click on the lock, it is possible to notice the name of the owner of the internet domain www.covodeisaraceni.com.

Therefore, the guarantee supplied to the users by the SSL protocols referring to the certification of the internet domain to which the connection is carried out and to the real identity of the company connected with that domain, protects them from fraud and theft; this is fundamental, particularly when one deals with sites that supply online services that include exchange of sensitive and private information.
Information is not collected in order to be associated to identified subjects. This category of data includes the IP addresses or the domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the site, the URI addresses (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the required resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the dimension of the file obtained in response, the number code specifying the the state of the answer provided by the server (successful, error, etc.), the so-called cookies and other guidelines related to the operating system and the IT environment of the user.
These data are used by Hotel Ristorante Covo dei Saraceni s.r.l. only to acquire unidentified statistical information concerning the use of the site and to control its correct operation, and they are cancelled immediately after their processing. This data could be used in order to ascertain responsibility in case of supposed cybercrime to the detriment of the site.

Data supplied by the user on purpose

The discretionary, explicit and voluntary forwarding of email to the addresses specified on this site involves the consequent acquisition of the address of the sender; this is important in order to answer the requests, as well as the other personal data that is in the message. Specific synthetic reports will gradually be reported or displayed on the pages of the site arranged for particular service on request.

Data supply

With the exception of what is specified under Navigation data, the user is free to supply personal data written in the request forms or, in any case, specified in specific sections of the site in order to urge the forwarding of information material or other communication. The failure to provide this information may imply the impossibility of obtaining what has been requested. Personal data is treated with automated instruments just for the time required to achieve the purpose for which they have been collected. Particular safety measures are observed in order to prevent the loss of data, illegal or incorrect use and unauthorized access.

Treatment modality and Users rights

Your personal data will be treated with automated instruments or the time required in order to achieve the purpose for which they have been collected. The length of treatment is therefore linked to the relationship user/client and to the related economical and commercial aims of the owner, as well as the right of opposing or cancelling, adjusting and transferring of data on behalf of the client.
Anytime, the user always has the right to know about data referring to himself, its subject and origin, and to check if this data is correct, require if it is correct or ask for integration, update or correction.
In compliance with the EU Regulation 2016/679 arts. 15-21 you are entitled to require access to data, correction, portability and cancellation of data, modify anonymously or block the data that has been violated, as well as oppose, for legitimate reasons, their treatment, and report a complaint to an authority control whether the user recognizes an illegal use of data.
This privacy information notice can be modified periodically and the use of the information collected is subject to the current Information privacy policy. This document, published to the address www.covodeisaraceni.com, is the Privacy Policy notice of this web site and will be subject to update.
Data treatment of children under 14 years of age will have to be authorized by the person who exercises parental authority.
In order to avoid 14-year old minors giving personal data, this web site can be used only in the presence and control of parents. In case we acquire personal information or other data from children under 14 years of age accidentally, we will not transmit the data to third parties.


If the links on this site are used, including those belonging to advertisers, we are not liable for their privacy policies or for the contents of those sites; moreover, we are not responsible for the cookies these sites could store. During navigation you could be asked to accept the information and conditions of the privacy treatment data above.


Last update: October 2018

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